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Summer Course "Farsi-German Intensive"

Deepen your own Farsi and German skills over the summer

Persons with a refugee background, mainly female, who have already learned the basics of the first language Farsi in the current literacy project of the association and are able to write texts to be written, should be supported in a next step to complete a German course positive. In addition to the deepening of the grammar in Farsi, also an intensive comparison with the German grammar should take place. The participants should thereby gain a better understanding of the language.

The group is closed, no registration possible .

German, Farsi/Dari

Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Mödling

Time & location
25.07.2019 16:00 - 20:00
CORE Zentrum
Pfeiffergasse 4, Stiege D, 2. Stock
1150 Wien