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IT for arabic-speaking women

Basics of IT

In this course, which is aimed at Arabic-speaking women, the participants learn more about the basics of IT. The aim of the course is to teach participants how to use various computer programs and how to use the Internet. The course focuses on the following topics:

  •     Basics in dealing with the Windows operating system and the Internet
  •     Editing Google Docs and handling Google Drive
  •     Creation and use of email accounts
  •     Creation and use of online banking / netbanking accounts


Duration: 2 hours

This course will end on 22nd of January 2020.

Pleae register here:

Copyright image: MAI NGO

Arabic, German

Verein MAI

Time & location
20.02.2020 09:30 - 11:30
CORE Zentrum
Pfeiffergasse 4, Stiege D, 2. Stock
1150 Wien